Audio Booth-Studio 5


Phantom Power- provides power to certain microphones, often used with condenser microphones and direct boxes

Pad- attenuate input signals by 26dB, allowing the user to work with high0level signals, often used with drum microphones

Gain- adjusts the gain of the Head Amps, optimizing the input singal level.

Aux Mode- channel faders control Aux Send levels depending on the selected layer

Fader Mode- channel faders control Input or Output channel levels depending on the selected layer


The Mac computer uses an application called Soundboard to play music and sound effects through the Yamaha board on channels 23 and 24. When using Soundboard ensure that all your Outputs are on Alpah Lexicon.

To put a music or a sound effect into the Soundboard you can drag and drop the audio file into a slot.  The slot numbers/letters correspond to the attached x-keys that can be pressed to play and stop any music from the application.

If the audio file you require is on an external drive, simply plug in the drive to the small usb hub on the keyboard or attached to the computer. Then drag and drop your file(s) on to the application.

Ouptut to JBL Speakers 1-4

If you want everything running through the program feed out to the JBL speakers, you should be able to just plug in the speakers and turn on the amp (Assuming Omni5 & 7 are ST L and Omni6 & 8 are ST R).  If you want to send only certain channels, see below.

On the left side of the board, make sure Aux 1 is highlighted and press Display.  The display panel on the board will change to the below left screen.

All the Aux Sends should be set to negative infinity.  For the channels that you want to single out, select the channel using the arrow keys (lower right buttons on the audio board) and use the radial to increase the level to 0 dB.

Now press the Output Patch button in the Display access section.  If needed, keep pressing that button until the below left screen appears (OMNI OUT).

Omni 5, 6, 7, and 8 correspond to JBL speakers 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.  Normally, those Omni’s should be set to ST L and ST R pairs.  Select the Omni(s) out that corresponds to the speaker(s) you’ll be using.  Do that by pressing the arrow keys on the lower right of the audio board.  Use the radial dial to change the Omni from ST L or R to     Aux 1.  Press the “Enter” button (near the arrow buttons) to keep that change.

Apply On-Board Effects Option 1

To apply on-board effects to a channel, you’ll have to follow this basic path.  Send from an Aux to the input Effects Library, select the ouput channels (Channels 49 and above) from the Effects Library, and assign those output channels to the remote layer.

On the left side of the board, make sure Aux 1 is highlighted and press Display.  The display panel on the board will change to the below left screen.

All the Aux Sends should be set to negative infinity.  For the channels that you want to apply effects to, select the channel using the arrow keys (lower right buttons on the audio board) and use the radial to bring the level to 0 dB.

Leave anything at negative infinity if you don’t want effects to be applied to that channel.

Next, press the Input Patch button.  If you don’t immediately see the image to the below left (Effects Library), keep pressing input until it appears.

On the left, Aux1 is currently running to/through Effect 1, which is currently a Reverb Hall.  In this example, channels 1 and 2 are at 0 dB in Aux1, so we have two separate output channels, Ch49 and Ch50.  It starts at 49 because Layers 1 and 2 are 1-24 and 25-48.  To change the output channel, use the error keys, radial, and enter buttons to navigate over to the output box and make changes.  You can also navigate to the arrow next to “EFFECT1”.  Pressing enter here would allow you to change the effect.  A separate sheet will show the effects and that screen.

Since we can’t access Channels 49 and 50, we need to set them to the Remote layer.  Press the Remote button under Display Access to see the screen to the below left.

Navigate to the fader you want to assign those channels to.  Use the arrow keys, radial, and enter buttons to navigate and make changes.

OK!  Now, boost the volume for channels 1 and 2 on Layer 1 so you can hear it clearly.  Press the Remote Layer button (not under Display Access) to switch to the remote layer.  Now raise the corresponding faders (in the example to the left, faders 23 and 24), and you’ll be able to hear the applied effects!

Apply On-Board Effects Option 2

This option allows us to pick and chose output channels to apply effects to via an Aux Send so that we may adjust everyday levels during the show and adjust the amount of effect added as well.

On the left side of the board, make sure Aux 1 is highlighted and press Display.  This allows us to adjust levels on Aux 1 which we will use for this example.

Ensure Fader mode is on and begin adjusting levels as you would every day. When your levels are set press Aux and bring the channels you want to apply your effect on to the proper level. To get back to your everyday mix press Fader.

Once the levels are optimized we must chose the desired effect. Press Input under display access.  The screen below should appear, if it does not continue pressing Input until it appears.

On the left, Aux1 is currently running to/through Effect 1, which is currently a Reverb Hall.  The output for this effect is 49 and 50, these two channels can be assigned to a desired fader via the remote layer, which we will use to adjust the amount of effect added to our Aux Send.

Press the Remote button under Display Access to see the screen below.

Choose two channels you want to use as your effect channels. Use the arrow keys, radial, and enter buttons to navigate and make the channels 49 and 50. For this example we will use channels 1 and 2.

Press the Remote Layer button to the right of the board under Layer, to switch to the remote layer.  Now raise the corresponding faders (in this example, faders 1 and 2), and you’ll be able to hear the applied effects! If you need to adjust your everyday mix press 1-24.

Download: Audio Booth Guide