All-Female Sports Show at IU – Driven By Women

In a business dominated by men, three IU students decided to start an all-female, independent sports show and club. Meredith Struewing, Miya Ingle, and Haley Jordan created the club called “Driven by Women.”

“Driven by women is an independent group that focuses on empowering females… especially in the sports field, but it does not have to be.” -Meredith Struewing

These women come from different backgrounds, different majors, but they all share the same passion… to become a women in sports media.

Ingle, Jordan, and Struewing have developed skills in sports media throughout their years at IU. Each member is in IUSTV, the student-run television network at IU, and each participates in even more media clubs. They all want to get as much experience as possible in the media school, and Indiana provides them with that opportunity. But they wanted to dive deeper and create a safe place for all females in sports media.

They may have even been inspired from an event that took place on their own stomping grounds. In February, an all-female sports show from CBS called “We Need To Talk” came to Bloomington. “We Need To Talk”  came to IU’s very own Beckley Hall Studio. Students got the opportunity to meet with the cast, help with production, and enjoy the live filming right inside Franklin Hall.

From the big screen to Beckley Studio, these three women had a similar idea.

Overall, both organizations main goal is to, “show that we can do what the men do, if not better,” as Haley Jordan stated.

Each of these women have been in a situation where they felt degraded. And, the feeling is mutual for women in sports nationwide.

Besides proving their worth, Ingle, Jordan and Struewing want to make sure all women feel welcome in sports.

The meetings start this week, but with the corona virus spreading, the club cannot meet in person. Classes at Indiana University were moved to online just as this club was starting up. Struewing, Jordan, and Ingle have been communicating via email information on the club.

The group will continue to develop.



Haley Jordan and her background towards choosing sports media…and choosing to stay in it.


Meredith Struewing dives deep in her experience as a woman in sports media.


Miya Ingle, IU senior and co-founder of Driven by Women, sideline reporting for IU baseball for Big Ten Student U.

Haley Jordan, IU senior and co-founder of Driven by Women, sideline reporting at Simon Skojdt Assembly Hall for Big Ten Student U.

Meredith Struewing, IU junior and co-founder of Driven by Women, reporting at Simon Skojdt Assembly Hall for IUSTV Sports.