Indiana University is one of three in the Big 10 lacking a climate action plan. Many universities create these plans so they are able to publicize their goals to the student body and university community. It allows them to hold themselves accountable for working towards a greener campus. IU has yet to do the same.
The student organization Students for a New Green World has held numerous protests to draw public attention to the university’s missing plan. Sidd Das is the president of SNGW, and one of a few students who have met with administrators, including University President Pamela Whitten, about the climate action plan. Despite this, Das called the meetings unproductive.
So, the organization decided to take a different approach.
About 12 weeks ago, SNGW made the decision to protest campus tours for prospective IU students. The tactic quickly caught the attention of many other students who were then prompted to join the club themselves or simply join their 600+ followers on Instagram. On the other hand, the protests also caught the eyes of some within the administration. More meetings followed between organization members and university leadership and in early April, IU put together a Climate Action Planning Committee. The committee consists of 20 students, faculty and staff. None of the members are from SNGW.
IU Provost Rahul Shrivastav did not spearhead the formation of the committee, President Whitten did, however he said that he felt any student representation is good representation.
SNGW felt differently. Administration has received a fair amount of pushback from the organization after not being included. However, Das mentioned at a rally on Wednesday that they would be meeting with Vice President Tom Morrison to discuss a possible change to this. No decision has been made yet.
The Wednesday rally came after the organization decided to halt protests for the remainder of the semester, however, they were able to gather and chant outside administration’s Bryan Hall. Rhymes such as “What do we want? Climate action! When do we want it? Now!” rang through the area surrounding the Sample Gates.
The new committee is only permitted to make recommendations to administration regarding potential short and long term goals. University leadership is not required to implement those recommendations. Das and his organization members are not sure that the administration will take the committees suggestions to heart at all. This is a main reason as to why SNGW wants their organization members on the committee.
The end of the campus tour protests comes as many of SNGW members have begun to join the Indiana Grad Workers Coalition strike. The IGWC-UE strike has been ongoing for over a week. Strikers have pledged to cancel classes they teach as well as other actions.
Many of the chants and speeches made by SNGW members on Wednesday also recognized the Grad Workers Strike and voiced support for the other campus movement. Das said this is how campus organization’s can make the most change — when they support one another.
Another tactic is drawing attention to themselves where there are many watching eyes.
SNGW’s rally lasted about 45 minutes before the group marched to Showalter Fountain where the university was hosting various events in celebration of IU Day.
SNGW’s actions with IGWC-UE and on IU Day have allowed them to continue breathing down the necks of administration.