Staying Physically Fit During A Worldwide Pandemic

There are many ways to stay healthy and maintain your physical fitness throughout a worldwide pandemic. You may be thinking that since all public gyms were closed for a period of time due to social distancing, and state-mandated COVID-19 protocols, that there is no way to stay in tip-top shape.

You are wrong.

Will Fouty, a current freshman at Indiana University, is a once black-card Planet Fitness member turned in-home workout enthusiast ever since the beginning of COVID-19 in early 2020. Fouty explained that being able to walk outside to his at-home gym is much easier than packing his things and going to a gym ever was.

According to a survey posted on CNBC, a survey by TD Ameritrade showed that 59% of Americans say that they do not plan on renewing their gym membership once the pandemic is over due to finding a more affordable way to get exercise and live a healthier lifestyle.

Fouty also mentioned that there are many factors that go into maintaining one’s physical fitness. He stated that mental fitness is just as, if not more, important that physical fitness and claimed that nutritional habits are just as important as lifting the weights themselves.

It is not just people like Fouty who think this way.

Tate Cooper, a current employee of Planet Fitness, says that he too would rather workout at home as opposed to going to a public gym. Cooper mentioned that he has heard people say that they want to have a gym membership but are hesitant due to the pandemic. Cooper also mentioned that he believes public gym attendance will soon regain a sense of normalcy due to a high percentage of citizens acquiring a COVID-19 vaccination.

If you are looking to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, visit to see if you are eligible and to check availability in your location.

For those interested in obtaining a gym membership to Planet Fitness, all you must do is visit to explore the different options that are available to select which ones suits you best.