Park ranger for a day


It was the first day of shooting. The day was foggy, and the sun wasn’t shining, so we were worried that the footage we would get outside wouldn’t turn out to be that good.

The footage we recorded ended up being great, and we got everything we needed.

My group was shooting a video about the ranger-led programs in the park, so we had to get an interview with somebody who worked in the park and then shoot footage about the things he talked about: leading visitors on walks on the trails and leading kayak tours through the marshes.

To get footage of this, we just walked most of the trails and took video of what we saw. This was a great experience because not only did we get everything we needed, but we also learned a lot and had fun doing it.

The person we interviewed, Pat Alford, was an extremely knowledgeable volunteer. He guided us around all of the trails and let us into places such as the boat house, where they keep the kayaks and the skiff boats. He also showed us a lot of wildlife, in particular some alligators and an osprey nest that was nearby the visitor’s center of the park. While we were watching the nest, I got great footage of two ospreys flying in and out of the nest carrying sticks.

It was a productive day, and my team and I learned a lot about the park.

Sophomore Sam Arvin and his group checked out the boat house where the rangers keep the kayaks and the skiff boats. (Sam Arvin | The Media School)