Studio 5 Basic Studio Operations & Safety
The studio supervisor must hold a quick meeting before each event in the studio and make any special hazards and safety information known to everyone at the event. The studio supervisor, teacher, or assistant instructor must make sure that everyone knows where the first aid kits and fire extinguishers are located and ensure they never have access blocked.
Additionally, the studio supervisor, teacher, or assistant instructor must be in the studio with anyone (students, actors, or crew) using the space at all times. NO ONE is permitted in the studio without an authorized supervisor. If the supervisor needs to leave the studio at any time, then EVERYONE must leave the studio until the supervisor returns.
Teachers and Assistant Instructors are to enforce these rules and ensure students are aware of the proper procedures and expectations held by The Media School. If anything breaks or is found broken or if there are safety issues or concerns, inform your instructor or Steven at
NOTE: The studio supervisor is authorized to eject anyone who is not following these rules in the studio, no matter if they are a student or someone that is part of a production from outside the university. This includes individuals who may claim more experience or are older than the studio supervisor. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Everyone who wishes to have the privilege of using the studio must follow these rules and respect the space.
- Emergency Operations: NOTE the evacuation map in case of a tornado and NOTE where the fire extinguisher is but as a rule, if there is a fire get everyone out of the studio. There are two fire exits and depending on where you are in the studio, you should exit to the closest exit and then proceed to exit the building.
- Emergency Exits: NEVER block the emergency exit. NEVER cover the emergency exit sign. NEVER stage equipment with 5 feet of a doorway on either side. NEVER lock or block exits.
- Fire Safety: NOTE where the fire extinguisher is but as a rule, if there is a fire proceed to one of the two exits and get everyone out of the studio. There are candles and matches in the prop room that are NEVER to be lit. These items are for prop use only! It is against Indiana University policy and safety protocol to light or have any open flame on IU property except in such places that are established for such purposes.
- NOTE: Appropriate action will be taken against anyone that disregards Indiana University’s fire safety policy.
- Safety Devices: It is illegal and dangerous to disarm fire alarm systems, bypass electrical panel breakers, or tamper with sprinklers in the studio. NEVER rig lights to sprinkler piping. NEVER bypass the fuse panels or breakers. NEVER remove smoke detectors.
- Ladder Safety: There should always be at least one person spotting anyone who is working on a ladder. No one should ever be on a ladder without a spotter. Ensure that rolling ladders are locked before working on them.
- Working with lighting: You should always use gloves while working with any active lighting instruments to prevent yourself from being burned. Inform others if you are about to turn on a light by calling “Striking”.
- NOTE: If you EVER see electrical arcing while working with the lighting instruments you should only use one hand and have the other hand in your back pocket. This will prevent an electoral current form passing across your heart.
- Proper Attire and Open-toed Shoes: You should always dress appropriately i.e., DO NOT wear loose fitting garments while working in the studio. NO open-toed shoes may be worn while working in the studio. There is too great of a risk that equipment or tools could fall and injure someone. Anyone wearing inappropriate clothing or open-toed shoes will be asked to leave the studio.
- Health Issues and Allergies: Find out if anyone in your crew or cast has health issues and/or allergies! Make sure at least two individuals on set beside the individual are aware of the allergy and how to address it.
- No Food or Drinks: NO food or drinks are permitted in the studio or control room at any time. Please encourage everyone to leave their food and drinks on the table in the hallway outside of Studio 5. If food is found in the studio, dispose of it immediately and clean the surface that it was placed on.
- No Alcohol or Smoking: The studio is a workplace. NO smoking, vaping, or using drugs on set. There is a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol consumption or any other substance. Absolutely no drinking of alcohol or use of illegal drugs should be done on any Media School film set.
- NOTE: If information that such activities occurred on a Media School set, appropriate action will be taken against the students involved in that production.
- Prop Weapons: Prop weapons present a significant concern for student filmmakers. Think about the context of your story before adding a prop weapon. Firearms including prop-firearms and other items considered weapons are not allowed on IU property per policy PS-03:
Non-firing replica firearms may be used on off-campus shoots with approval from your instructor and with the proper preproduction. A call to local police officers is required, and any local and federal laws pertaining to firearms must be followed.
NOTE: Blanks, squibs and other pyrotechnic devices are not permitted in student films.
If you do not own a prop weapon, there are many online sites that can rent one to you. Do not use items from your household as props, for example a kitchen knife. Prop weapons are made to lessen the risk of injury to actors and crew members.
Whenever a prop weapon is used, the studio supervisor MUST hold a meeting with EVERYONE on set to explain that the prop is not a real and will ONLY be held by the authorized armorer and cast member. Anyone touching the weapon otherwise will be immediately ejected from the studio.
- No Animals: There is no inherent “right” to have animals on university premise. No animal is allowed in any Media School owned Studio. If an animal is found in the studio the owner/handler and animal will be asked to leave immediately and the studio will be cleaned immediately by the crew in the studio. Any service animal will have to be cleared by the university and follow the proper protocol as listed in the policies online.
- Lighting Instruments & the Fly System: There should always be a safety chain (airline cable) attached to EVERY lighting instrument hung in the studio. NEVER move a lighting instrument from one baton to another, lights may only move horizontally on the baton. Moreover, special arrangements and training must be made to operate the fly system; NO ONE may use the fly system without being granted prior permission.
- Blast Doors: The scene shop blast doors should remain closed and locked unless you are moving the taco, platforms, large props/furniture, or loading in extra gear. The key to the padlock on the exterior of the blast doors hangs by the fan control at the exit door in the studio. Please ensure everyone is respectful of the scene shop, where access is a privilege and favor.
- Props & the Prop room: The props in the prop room are there to be utilized but should be returned to the prop room in a neat and orderly fashion after every production. Do not use or take tools from the workbench area in the back of the room unless prior permission has been given. If something breaks or is found broken inform your instructor immediately. When returning larger furniture pieces, do not be a hero; ask your team members to help you put away the prop pieces.
If you need props that are not currently available in the studio/prop room, please ask your instructor before bringing in outside props or personal items. We can always purchase or obtain items to be used for props without having personal items being used on set.
NOTE: The candles and matches are to be used ONLY AS PROPS. NEVER strike a match or light a candle as this goes against Indiana University’s fire safety policy. *See the fire safety section on the first page* Decide if your project really needs a lit candle, matches, or flame before adding them to your script. If you decide you do need such items, talk with your instructor and prop flameless candles can be obtained.
- Grip Room: The grip room has been organized so that everything is quickly and easily accessible. There are many lights and stands that are heavy and should require two people to lift or move. If you need to put a light on a stand from the grip room, please use two people as these lights are heavy and the stands can be tall. This also helps ensure the light is safely and securely placed on the stand. If you need to lift a heavy item above shoulder height, you should have a partner help with the lift.
Please put any equipment back the same way you found it in the grip room. This includes coiling cables and stingers and putting them back on the shelves, stacking the sandbags nicely, putting stands back neatly where you found them, and putting gels back in the bins. Please take a few extra seconds to put the small gels back in the proper folder if you use small gels. This way others can easily and quickly grab what they need from the room for their production just as you can.
- Studio Flats: DO NOT lean on the set walls. There are some flats that can be moved and placed around the studio as well as ceiling tiles from the set that can be moved to create varying configurations of set designs.
Two people should always carry or move the flats. When you leg a flat, you should use clamps to clamp the leg to the flat and to clap the flats to each other to create a wall. You should also weight the legs with stage weights to secure the flats.
Flats should be placed back where they were found with the faces touching each other to avoid any damage. You should also make sure to put the flats back in storage with the end labeled “this end out.”
There are also several walls of the soundstage that can be moved and reconfigured. There is a large wall section of the side opposite of the door in the apartment that can be moved and is on wheels. There is also a section next to the door in the bar that can be moved as well as the walls between the bar and apartment. The walls between the two sets can be reconfigured with the extra wall by the blast doors to add dimension and different configurations to the bar set. *NOTE: See the back to one binder for floor plans and layouts for these walls.
If you need to move large props or furniture in and out of the space, please use the roller walls to easily move furniture and reduce the risk or damaging the set or props. There should be a minimum of two people working to move these walls and to move large furniture.
- Communication on set: When on set there must be definitive clarity as to what’s going on around us. Again, safety is key, so if you are moving large objects with points that could hurt someone standing by, be sure to call out “points” loudly and repeatedly until you have passed them. It is better to overcommunicate this: “Points. Points. Points. Points coming through. Points. Points….” Any time someone asks you to do something you should respond “Copy that.” This lets the person know that you heard and understand exactly what is being asked of you and that you are confirming you will complete that task. If you are unsure of what you’re being asked, don’t be afraid to ask questions to get clarity. Once all is understood, then say, “Copy that.” When turning on a light call out “Striking” to inform others that a light will be turned on. This way everyone is aware a light is coming on and to look away or prevent the light from shining directly into their eyes.
- General safety: Remove trip hazards by placing rubber mats over wires and cables or gaff taping them to the floor. Place all personal items in the cubbies by the studio door. If you need items for class, get them from your bag and leave your bag in the cubbies to reduce tripping hazards around the set. If you are moving furniture or tables in or out of the bar set for the back to one before or after class, please use two people as the tables are large and heavy. As always, lift with your legs and not your back and keep loads close to your body when possible.
- Closing Procedures: ALL DOORS AND LIGHTS should be turned off and locked at the end of a production. The studio should be cleaned and returned to the way it was upon entering the studio or left in a better condition than the way you found it upon entering. For example: All cables must be properly coiled, and all gear must be stored where it was found upon entering the studio.
- In Case of an Emergency: If someone is threatened or injured, seek immediate medical attention by calling 911. If the injury needs attention but is not life threatening, seek medical attention at a hospital emergency room. If you are not sure of the seriousness of the injury, do not hesitate to take the injured person to the hospital immediately. Keep copies of all police reports and bills for emergency room/hospital visits.
Additional Information
Fly System Operation and Safety
- Fly System: The fly system is a system of counter balanced pulleys that aid in easily flying a baton with set pieces or lamps hung on it. The stage weights in the pulley system are weighted to counterbalance each baton with a corresponding pulley. An easy way to check if a baton is balanced is to take a pulley line and the counter line and strum both lines like a guitar string. If each line has the same amount of tension, then the weight is balanced correctly. If it is not balanced correctly, one of the lines will be very limp and you should NEVER release the brakes if the weight is unbalanced.
- NOTE: Students should always work in pairs with an instructor or studio supervisor to raise or lower a baton.
- Fly System Etiquette: You should always call out “Baton going out!” when about to raise a baton and the person operating the pulley system must wait for everyone in the studio to reply, “Thank You!”. In this way, everyone in the studio is aware that a baton is moving and may move out of its path, so they do not get injured. The same is true of a baton descending. The call is, “Baton coming in!” and the response is again, “Thank You!”
- Cyc Walls and Curtains: Students may also use the Cyc or black curtain as backdrops to their sets. A Cyc is a white tightly hung piece of fabric curtain that extends the length and depth of the studio. This specialized curtain is used to color the background with lights that have been gelled by the lighting designer with colored subtractive gels to set a mood or tone in the lighting design. By contrast the black curtain is used to absorb light so that you may more distinctly separate your talent from the background.
Studio 5 Hours
Studio hours are posted next to the door and on 25Live.
Monday-Thursday: 8am-10pm
Friday: 8am-5pm
If students require use of the studio outside of class time, they must book it with their professor and will then be provided with a production lab monitor to supervise the studio.
Please ensure that studio requests are put in 2 weeks in advance from the intended project date.
Please contact Steven with any issues or concerns regarding studio 5 operations or safety at