Apple CEO Tim Cooks Unveils a New Era For Apple


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Adelyn Rabbitt
Andrea Minuto

CUPERTINO, California (Sept. 9, 2014) — Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled the first ever Apple Watch on Tuesday, Sept. 9, at the annual Apple Event in Cupertino, California.

Tim Cook took the stage of the Apple Event in a navy button up and black pants, addressing the audience and describing updates to current Apple products. When he finished, he clicked a new slide on the presentation that read, ‘One more thing.’ “But we’re not quite finished yet,” Tim Cook said. “We have one more thing.” The audience burst into applause and excitement, as suspense built about was going to be revealed. Once the cheers and whistles died down, Cook revealed the new, exciting, never-done-before Apple smart watch by playing a video on the presentation screen.

The video consisted of smooth music over videos of a sleek, glossy, smartwatch. The clips showed the features of the watch such as browsing apps, telling time, working as a stopwatch, and more. The video ended, followed by loud clapping and cheering from the audience as Tim Cook raised his fist in triumph and excitement. Cook proceeded to tell the audience about some of the incredible features of the watch. Cook noted that all Apple products have been created out of innovation, mentioning the original Mac, iPod, and iPhone. He then commented that the Apple Watch was also created thanks of innovation and that it is an incredibly exciting product.

After a brief vocal description of the Apple Watch, Cook played another video on the presentation screen. This video, narrated by Jony Ive, delved deeper into the features of the watch.

Apple Watch on the arm of a man.
A person’s arm sports an Apple Watch as the watch shows the time and the temperature. The Apple Watch is a smartwatch that is capable of showing precise information about the user’s current surroundings.

At the beginning of the video, Jony Ive set up the basis of the invention of the Apple watch. “We’ve designed a range of products so personal that you don’t put them on your desk or in your pocket,” Ive said. “You wear them on your wrist.”

The Apple Watch is a precise timepiece, synced with the universal time standard. It can be customized completely by the user through its many features and its synchronization with the user’s iPhone. A dial on the side of the watch acts as a tool to zoom in and scroll through apps, lists, or messages, deleting the pinch and scroll aspect of using a typical touchscreen device. This dial also works as the home button when pressed down. The watch can be worn at all times, is created to be pleasing to the eye, and can complement one’s personal style. Monitoring your movement, the watch’s display turns on when you raise your arm, showing the home display of apps. The sapphire display is manufactured with touch and force monitoring. The inside of the watch includes the technology that a computer includes but in a package small enough to discreetly fit on your wrist. 

Apple Watch on a person's arm, on a fitness feature.
An Apple Watch with a blue band is on a person’s wrist, showing the workout tracking options that the watch offers. The Apple Watch can be used to track the health and fitness activities of the user.

Personalization of the watch extends beyond the screen. Apple has designed six different straps to be easily interchanged per personal preference. The magnetic latching system of the straps is strong and gentle, keeping your watch safe on your wrist. There are two sizes of straps and watches to make sure people with all sizes of wrists can enjoy this product.

Kevin Lynch, Vice President of Apple, came onto the stage after Tim Cook to give a demo for the Apple Watch. Lynch was wearing a light blue button up with black pants and an Apple Watch on his wrist. Lynch proceeded to screenplay the display of his watch to the presentation screen on the stage and then showed the audience how to change the colors and settings of the interface. When swiping on the watch, one can access music, time, maps, calendars, and more from just the home screen. Siri is built into the watch and can be used just as it can be on an iPhone. The photos app can sync with your iPhone so that you can look at your photos from your iPhone on your wrist. Additionally, a user of an Apple Watch can send a drawing from the face of their watch to the face of another Apple Watch user’s watch.

Finally, Tim Cook took the stage once more to discuss the health and fitness aspects of the Apple Watch. The fitness app on the watch monitors all health information received from the user’s body throughout the day, while the workout app tracks workouts and allows the user to set goals. A video explaining these features then played, leading to the conclusion of the revolutionary event.

The features of the Apple Watch have never before been programmed onto such a small and mobile device, able to be carried on a person’s wrist. Apple changed the world of technology and the lives of Apple users with this development and will undoubtedly continue to do so.

Tim Cook celebrates the unveiling of the brand-new Apple Watch. Cook receives a standing ovation as he reveals the new watch on his wrist.  

The fitness features on the brand-new Apple Watch are shown. Both the iPhone and Apple Watch calculate the fitness and health data of the user. 
