Tim Cook reveals new Apple Watch


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CUPERTINO, California (Sept. 9, 2014) —Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the release of the brand-new Apple Watch Series 1 with an introductory video on Tuesday at the Apple Event in Cupertino, California.

After the video played, Cook took to the stage again, proudly displaying the new watch. In his introduction, Cook emphasized his excitement for the new product that Apple claims will revolutionize the way watches are used. The audience met Cook with applause and a standing ovation when he returned to the stage wearing the new Apple watch. This enthusiasm carried on throughout Kevin Lynch’s demonstration of the various features the new watch will possess. The audience was thoroughly impressed with Lynch’s presentation of the numerous new features as they praised the new watch with cheers and more applause.

Mike Wells talks to his class
Professor Mike Wells uses his Apple Watch to remind him to stand between teaching his classes. This Apple exercise feature was created to combat the sedentary lifestyle that many struggle with.

In Cook’s introduction he also explained why Apple believes the new Apple Watch is the best watch in the world. He described the accuracy of the watch and discusses how each watch will be customizable from customer to customer. “It’s incredibly customizable, so you can find one that reflects your personal style and taste,” Cook said. He also outlined the importance of connecting with other through the use of the Apple Watch and discussed the watch’s role in tracking health and fitness. Once Cook gave an overview of the watch’s attributes, he took time to explain one of the watch’s main features, which is the digital crown. The digital crown allows for scrolling, zooming in and out, and adjusting the screen without obstructing the view of the face with your fingers. Cook compared this new innovation to other user interfaces Apple has made over the years, such as the mouse for the Mac as well as the touch screen on the iPhone. “We placed extra functionality on a mechanism that’s been on the watch for decades,” Cook said.  After he gave a comprehensive introduction to the product, Cook displayed another video, this time narrated by Apple’s Senior VP of Design, Jony Ive.

The video went more in-depth about the aesthetic aspects of the watch. Ive gave the audience a glimpse into what Apple had in mind when designing the watch. He not only explained the design of the Apple watch, he emphasized the correlation of its design with functionality. “In addition to the digital crown, we’ve had to invent other input technologies designed specifically for a product this small,” Ive said. “So, as well as sensing touch, the display also senses force.” Ive described solutions to obstacles that the design team had to face when making a product much smaller than usual. Another large part of the watch that was kept in mind during the design process was the communication aspect. The watch features easy and quick communication between Apple watch users and others. The video also went into detail about the different types of wrist straps, as well as disclosing that there would be three different collections of the Apple Watch. Not only would they be releasing the line of the Apple Watch itself, but also collections called Apple Watch Sport and Apple Watch Edition. Once the second video concluded, Vice President of Apple, Kevin Lynch was called up to give the first live demonstration of the Apple Watch.

man running with apple watch on
Spencer Anderson, freshman, uses his Apple Watch to train for an upcoming marathon. The Apple Exercise feature provides mile splits that help him stay on pace to reach his goal.

Lynch continued to demonstrate the various aspects of the watch. He tested out many applications that are pre downloaded on the watch and are also used on other Apple products such as iMessage, Apple Maps, and Apple Music. Lynch emphasized that when designing the watch, they want to make the applications easily accessible. “Now we thought a lot when we were designing Apple Watch about how to really reveal all of the great ecosystem of applications on this device,” Lynch said. “And we wanted to build in a way that was really easy to find and use.” Lynch went into depth about the Health app and other various fitness aspects that come with the watch. Fitness and health tracking are an important aspect of the new product. When Lynch’s demonstration had concluded, Cook returned to the stage for the last time to introduce two new applications that have been added to the watch, the first being the fitness app and the second being the workout app. Cook explained that these apps were created with leading a healthier lifestyle in mind. He then gave some logistical information about the watch’s price which starts at 349 dollars, and its intended release date, which is set for early 2015. Cook closed the presentation by telling the audience how excited Apple is to launch its new product. “It’s something functional yet incredibly beautiful. It empowers people and enriches their lives. Apple Watch is the most personal device Apple has ever created.” Cook said.

Join Tim Cook as he highlights the Apple Watch’s new amazing health features! See how it encourages users to take charge of their well-being.

Tim Cook shares Apple’s mission to create the best watch in the world, combining personalization, customization, and lightning-fast responsiveness. Watch to see what truly sets Apple apart.
