
Introducing the All New Apple Watch


Introducing the All New Apple Watch

Media Contacts
Natalie Byer
Alex Gastineau
Nick Milentis

Apple is pleased and beyond thrilled to reveal the first ever apple watch, an innovative, cutting-edge development that will surely alter the technological world. The apple watch includes a plethora of features, combining the attributes of an iPhone with a simple, practical wristwatch wearable for all occasions. Say goodbye to misplacing your phone or other apple devices, because the apple watch is guaranteed to follow you everywhere you go! The perks are infinite.

To start, the apple watch far surpasses the benefits and features provided by an average time-telling device. Instead, it functions as a fully integrated part of the iPhone design, enabling customers to remain in-the-know, fully connected, and to track their daily activity. All features accessible via the iPhone, are just as easy to view on the watch. Users will no longer have to reach for their phone when making a call, scrolling their messages, checking the news, or for basically anything apple related. Designed carefully with detail and practicality in mind, the watch’s incredible Retina display ensures that scrolling, zooming, tapping, and navigating the apple watch is easier than ever thought possible. Using this device is meant to make contacting others and life in general more efficient in all aspects. Just take a peek down at your wrist and suddenly, you will be up to date. Phone not around? Notifications will still make it in your line of view regardless of whatever activity you may be engaging in.

College student using her Apple Watch as she effortlessly multitasks while doing her homework. This combination of function and style allows students to stay on top of their academic and personal lives.

One of the main purposes for this innovation can be credited to the nation-wide need for improved fitness tracking. Apple encourages users to engage in healthy, active, and fulfilling lifestyles. With features that enable consumers to track their steps, miles, heart rates, and monitor workouts, setting personal fitness goals is no longer a hassle. The apple watch also prohibits slacking, reminding and encouraging users to set and reach their exercise goals throughout each day. It’s many apps, one of them being “Activity”  pinpoint in what areas (move, exercise, and stand) need to be improved with your personal attributes kept in mind. As a company, Apple recognizes and values the importance of maintaining a balanced and fitness-centered daily routine. There is no excuse to remain lethargic and/or fail to make use of these remarkable features with motivation right on your wrist.

As mentioned before, navigating the apple watch is impossibly easy. Worried about your fingers getting in the way or the screen being too small? The Digital Crown is a small spherical twisting button located on the side of the watch. This piece allows users to perform basic functions on the apple watch, thus eliminating the need to use your fingers to tap and scroll. This way, the screen is clearly visible, and the size doesn’t prohibit users from viewing all of its amazing components. Not to mention, the watches two different sizes also allow for some leeway when considering what fits best for you. The style and looks of the apple watch are modern, fashionable, and neutral for all personalities.

A traveling barber uses the Apple Watch to stay connected while on the job. The sleek and clean design of the watch allows professionals to manage their schedules and communications without missing a beat.

Apple is immensely prideful of our distinguishable, unique, and widely used products that have positively impacted the technological world. There is no question that the apple watch is sure to be one of those products and will change the lives of millions. Order your apple watch ahead today and reap the benefits. The apple watch is guaranteed to become an absolute staple in the lives of Apple customers.

Tim Cook explains a few important features of the new apple watch. These features include using the dial on the side of the watch.

Tim Cook plays a video of the sleek design of the apple watch 1. This video shows a close up of the watches design and some features the watch has.


Apple Releases a New Product, The Apple Watch


Media Contacts
Ja’Ryah Fitts
Orli Gluzman
Harley Haisley

CUPERTINO,California (Sept. 9, 2014) – Apple has done it again. CEO of Apple, Tim Cook received a roaring standing ovation from apple fans during the September 2014 event held at Flint Center after introducing Apple’s latest product, the Apple Watch. Cook introduces the product with an encapsulating video featuring sound effects and close ups of every feature of the watch’s rich design. Cook believes that this product will redefine what people expect from watches in the future, calling it “The next chapter in Apple’s story”. The main details that set the watch apart from other watches as well as other Apple products is not only the innovative design but also its personable and customizable features.

The apple watch includes many features that are both useful but also extremely customizable to each and every user. A brand-new feature of this watch is its ability to easily interchange wrist straps which allows users to incorporate their own fashion with the device. The wrist straps can be easily removed. On the back of the watch there are two release buttons which will unlock the strap, then when you are ready to replace the strap, you just slide the new strap into position until it clicks. Thanks to this advanced technology Apple offers six different straps to choose from. Ranging from materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, leather, nylon, and silicon. Each band or strap can be used for different purposes for both style and convenience. For example, the silicon wrist band would be favorable for someone who is active due to the materials sweat durability. Whereas the leather or stainless wrist bands may be more for aesthetics.

IU faculty wearing the Apple Watch
Indiana University faculty member uses the Apple Watch while studying. She uses her watch to do basic functions like checking time and responding to messages, rather than using her iPhone.

In addition to the straps being customizable, the watch faces or lock screens are also customizable.  Apple offers around 11 different watch faces that allow users to suit their style and needs. Some of these faces include time lapse, astronomy, motion, color, photo and much more. Each of these faces has a purpose with some even offering important daily information right at your wrist. For example, the time lapse face according to apple tells the most accurate time. Apple users can even further this customization by choosing other information to include on the home screen like, weather, reminders, and etc. Apple’s main designer claims these features help to, “embrace individuality and inspire design” says Jonathan Ive. These features and emphasis on the consumers’ values will be a big selling point for apple.

Apart from the Apple Watch’s intriguing and clean appearance, the watch’s technical capabilities make the product even more special. I’ve explained that the watch is basically just a smaller version of a computer or iPhone, making the watch seem that much more impressive. The Watch also includes easy to use navigation through touch sensors on the screen, as well as the digital crown located on the side of the watch. The Apple Watch goes way beyond the capabilities of a normal watch even allowing users to communicate from their wrist. By connecting to the user’s phone people are able to engage in light communication such as text and call right from their watch. Cook claims you can respond to messages in just second using the Apple watch in comparison to the iPhone. With this new version of communication Apple has also created a new version of messaging, with just a tap or hold users can send each other new drawn or predesigned doodles.

IU student on apple watch
Jake, a student at Indiana University, using one of the Apple Watch’s most important functions which is checking texts and emails. He responds to an email directly from his wrist.

Aside from communication and obviously telling time, one of the watches most attractive and unheard-of features is its fitness tracking features. The Apple watch tracks daily activity throughout the day and is even able to track your heart rate thanks to the high-end photodiode lenses located on the back of the watch. Aside from that, the Apple watch also offers personal daily fitness goals and activity suggestions throughout the day. There are three main “rings” on the fitness display. Once these rings are completed it means the user has reached their fitness goals for the day. For example, there is a stand ring, move ring, exercise ring. These rings can measure calories, distance traveled, duration of fitness, and so much more. This data is not only stored in the watch but also in the health app on the users iPhone making this data easily accessible.

With so many helpful features Tim Cook claims “The Apple Watch helps you live a better day and a healthier life.” Who doesn’t want that? The Apple Watch is not just a device for telling time but a groundbreaking invention that embraces the user and all their lively needs.

Tim cook, The CEO of Apple displays his excitement for the future of Apple. Saying the Apple Watch is  “The next chapter in Apple’s story”. 

Apple’s video display of the new Apple Watch and its functions. Giving the audience an in depth experience of whats to come. 


Tim Cook announces a new way to make life convenient: The Apple Watch


Media contacts

Sophia Sessa: Writer

Demi Heinz: Editor

Sonny Hoekstra: Photographer

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, presented a new advancement in wearable technology, this Tuesday (Sep 9th 2014), in Cupertino California, the first of Apple’s smart watch products, to connect the ease of your phone right to your wrist. 

The enthusiasm and positive attitude of Tim Cook was well received  by the audience, reflecting the reaction to the new product. Once Tim began discussing the various and unique features of the new product the crowd’s excitement became palpable as cheers filled the room. Tim seemed calm and comfortable on the stage strutting around in a simple button down, presenting his knowledge and confidence in the product. “I am so excited and I am so proud to share it with you this morning” Cook said beaming about the product. After playing the demonstrational video of the Apple Watch, Kevin Lynch walked onto to stage playing a crucial part in demonstrating the intricate features the watch has to offer. 

Grace Harris prepares for her nightly run with the physical tracking features of the Apple watch. Workouts are able to be tracked and displayed in real time whether it is time elapsed, distance traveled, heart rate, or more.

The Apple Watch, as Cook and Lynch explained, has ground breaking features and advancements. “A precise, customizable timepiece” is what the new Apple Watch product truly embodies. It is customizable to fit anyone’s personal style and is meant to be worn at any time. It is the perfect combination of technology and style. Unlike other wearable technology the design is very sleek and clean, making it just as fashionable as it is functional. Another feature of this timepiece is allowing people to communicate more effectively, right from your wrist. It is a device that is very convenient and pairs perfectly with their prior device, the Iphone. The Apple watch is single handedly the next major step in the evolution of the company. 

The most prominent feature is the dial, which is known as the digital crown. “It’s a very simple and elegant and amazing input in navigation devices” according to Cook. It is used to zoom in and out of the home screen and go into an app effectively. The apps displayed are the ones that are also on the Iphone, making the watch easy to navigate. Another astonishing feature is that the Apple Watch can sense when the wrist is raised, detecting motion. The home screen is immediately displayed and shows personal apps without touch. What is truly amazing is that both of these outstanding features mentioned don’t even involve the touch of the screen. This is preventative to any damage the watch could endure. Adding on, the watch features short cuts within the app. This makes the watch very convenient in many ways. Smart replies, which are the shortcuts, work for texts and calls. All of these efficient and

Kaitlin Morlan begins her day checking the weather by simply looking at her wrist. One of the many ways the new apple watch is able to offer convenience throughout the day.

quick features and on the Apple Watch are perfect for this fast paced world.  

The Apple Watch is truly a great product and there are multiple versions of it, including the Sport and the Edition. There is a set price of 349 dollars and it will be available within the following year. The Watch is an astonishing advancement in technology and there is so much more to come with Apple’s products. “We are so excited about the Apple Watch and I hope you are as well,” Cook said, beaming with joy.


Apple Reveals its First Ever Digital Watch


Media Contacts
Sloane Killinger(writer)
Catherine Hattery(Photographer)
Sydney Bailey(Editor)

Apple Reveals its First Ever Digital Watch 

Cupertino, California (Sept. 9, 2014)- Apple CEO, Tim Cook, launched the Apple Watch at the 2014 Spring Forward Event, representing a new era of connectivity and wearable technology.

As previously seen by Apple, they are not quite finished yet and still have “One More Thing”. With constant innovation and creation of new populating digital products, there has been a skyrocketing advancement in the world of technology over the last 13 years. As Cook confidently took the stage Tuesday night, to announce the launch of the Apple Watch, he carried himself with poise in jeans and a navy-blue button up. Slow spoken with a great deal of certainty, Cook convinced his audience of the customizable capabilities and personal experiences this new product would provide.

An IU Professor responds to a students email on Apple’s newest technological advancement, the Apple Watch. This feature provides users with the ability to email others without their phone or computer present.

The well-designed car like promo video and live demo by Kevin Lynch, presented the functionality of this watch. Demonstrating the innovative new features of the Apple watch on his wrist, the crowd was ecstatic to see such intimacy that a device like this could enable.

VP of Apple design, Johhny Ive, narrated the promotional video of the digital watch. He described the singularity and individuality of design, reedifying what it means to wear a watch. Gone are the days in which watches can only tell time, now they could tell your blood pressure, heart rate, and communicate with your friends and family. The level and sheer scale of innovation had not been seen in the industry since the release of the first iPhone. Cook then followed with insightful information on the extra elements of functionality that this watch would provide. With the most important feature being the ‘digital crown’.

Student, Claire Kumar, enthusiastically texts a friend after class. This is possible due to the newest messaging feature programmed on her Apple watch.

The small dial on the side of the watch has magnifying capabilities to zoom in and out, making this product more than just a miniature iPhone. It has a ‘glances’ feature to display quick information as well. Whereas all watches that came before had zero technological applications, the Apple watch combined the timeless elegance of Rolex watches with the new age technological breakthroughs of the 21st.

The idea behind this product was to create more personalization in the digital world. Fortunately, Apple has done just that, and seemingly, through a single chip. By installing a tactic engine into the watch, touch and force senses have been enabled. Your watch will notify you through digital touch communication. The feeling of one’s own heartbeat has never been so easily shared between two people. “For the first time, and with great intention, we’ve designed not only what you see, but also what you hear and feel.” said Johnny Ive.

This new line of technology also appeals to a wide variety of people, with a total of three different Apple Watch models: the Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Sport, and the Apple Watch Edition. In addition to the three different watch models, there are an array of customizable bands as well. Each focusing on either quality, comfort, fashion, or most importantly, fitness. As explained in his speech, “The Apple Watch will help a lot of people live a better day and a healthier life.” said Cook. Counting your steps, accomplishing your activity goals, and keeping up with your heart rate, are just a few features that this device will provide.

Finally, Cook revealed the cost and release date of this exciting new product. With prices starting at $349, these striking digital watches will officially launch early 2015. These exciting new features will have Apple lovers all over this product. As this event concluded, the audience reveled in excitement. As Cook happily thanked all those who made the apple watch possible, he proudly waved goodbye to his audience, leaving them with an amazing hands-on experience unlike anything they have ever seen before. Or rather, “A new innovative, intimate way to communicate directly from your wrist.” said Cook.

Fitness promo video for apple watch plays for the audience. This technological breakthrough assists people in several different facets of exercise. 

Apple watch intro video finishes playing for audience and is received well. Tim cook’s apparent emotion reflected into the audience and was met with roaring applause and a standing ovation.


Unveiling the Future: Introducing the Apple Watch


Media Contacts
Riley Leichliter
Courtney Holland
Ben Jaffe

CUPERTINO, California (Sept 9, 2014), – Tim Cook, CEO of Apple made an announcement in Cupertino, California on Tuesday unveiling the first generation of Apple Watches.

Cook followed a prior unveiling by saying “But we’re not quite finished yet, we have one more thing.” He claims that this new product will change the course of Apple forever. Cook then played a video engaging the audience and showcasing this new revolutionary device – the Apple Watch. When Cook reappeared he took in the standing ovation and began to describe the features of the watch such as the ability to make calls, track health, and even play music.

The Apple Watch is a very large step for Apple. Up until now, Apple has been heavily known for its production of phones and computers, where they have been at the forefront of innovation and at the top of the industry. The Apple Watch provides a new and outstanding leap for the company as this continues its growth in the personal device industry. 

One of the physical elements of the watch is what Cook calls the “digital crown.” “If you have a list you can scroll through it, and all this without blocking the screen,” Cook said, “and if you press it, it returns to the home screen just as expected.” The Apple team has put immense thought into the design of the watch. Every aspect is designed to enhance the experience for the user.

Student using Apple Watch outside class.
Young student, Abby, looks at an Apple Watch to see the distance she has gone on her scooter today. She uses the fitness app to check the mileage from the past 4 hours.

Even the watch bands themselves are fully customizable. “They are meant to be worn every day,” said Cook. They have many options for these from more traditional metal, link bands to athletic-style bands that use magnets to fit to the wrist.

The watch has many digital features as well, but the ones that sit at the forefront of the device are the ability to track health, make calls, and search the internet. Starting with the ability to track health, the watch will be able to track everything from steps to heart rate, to how sedentary you are throughout the day. “It is a comprehensive health and fitness device,” said Cook. This feature can sync to the health app on your phone and provide the user with dynamic reports about their day-to-day lifestyle. 

The ability to make calls and even text is also a large innovation for the watch. Cook called the way the device allows users to contact one another a “New intimate way to connect, directly from your wrist.” This is one of the features that distinguishes the watch from other watches and fitness trackers on the market. “The watch works seamlessly with the iPhone,” Cook said. The watch can sync up to your contacts, messages, and phone app allowing you to make calls and answer texts without ever touching your phone.

Older Woman checks Apple Watch while shopping on Kirkwood.
Lisa, a local in Bloomington, uses an Apple Watch to get directions to a local supermarket right off of Kirkwood. She uses the maps app and follows the step by step directions to get there.

The ability to search the internet via Siri is another large step that the Apple Watch makes. “You can use Siri by just pressing the crown,” said Kevin Lynch, Vice President of Apple, “Then simply ask a question like what movies are playing in Cupertino today, and it comes back with a list of movies here in Cupertino.” Lynch demonstrated the ease with which the watch searched the internet and the ability to do so from your wrist is a very large step in the personal device industry. 

The watch is starting at only $349 and will be released early next year. It will be compatible with both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, as well as iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, and iPhone 5c. “This gives more than 200 million people access to Apple Watch,” said Cook.

“It empowers people and enriches their lives,” said Cook “The Apple watch is the most personal device Apple has ever created.” 

The Apple Watches various designs being shown off in a brand new video. Many colors are available making the watch customizable to all.

Cook introduces dial feature of the Apple Watch. This makes it easy to zoom in and out of desired content.
