Endless possibilites


California is a wildly diverse place. I meet people from all over the world every day.

I went to Mexico and explored small towns outside of Tijuana. I wandered the streets of San Diego. I found grocery cart food stands on the sidewalk in Koreatown.

I found a bar by walking through a refrigerator door in Hollywood. I met Charli XCX at a secret warehouse show downtown.

I found a secret beach in Laguna. I found the highest peak in Topanga Canyon. I fed seals on the Santa Monica Pier. I helped give eye exams to people on Skid Row. On my last day in California (for now) I’m heading up to Big Sur. Every nook and cranny of this place has something beautiful to show you. Every person in this place has a story to tell.

I never thought of living in a place like Los Angeles as a tangible reality. It seemed like Chicago or Indianapolis were the only practical options. It seemed like a pipe dream.

This program has changed all of that. It’s made me realize I could literally live anywhere, whether it’s Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo or Seoul. Particularly with the skills I’ve developed in school, I can design from anywhere, and freelance opportunities are always around if you look hard enough.

Coming to Los Angeles has made me understand that the entire world is a just an endless book of possibilities, and none of them are off limits.