Hiking through Runyon Canyon


In the City of Angels, there is a path of adventure ahead.

One of California’s most sought-after attractions is its variety of hills. The hiking trails paved into each mountain display a sunrise over Los Angeles and provide a great exercise alternative, which may be the catalyst to L.A.’s famously healthy lifestyle.

Runyon Canyon is a popular hiking area less than two miles from the West Hollywood area. Upon arrival, you’re greeted by a handmade wooden stand filled with water, bananas and light snacks. The snacks are free to the public, and they’re accompanied by a sign promoting the honesty police.

Runyon Canyon is a pet-friendly environment often filled with joggers, families, dogs and lizards. The area is so popular that you’re bound to see some familiar faces. On my most recent visit, I saw NBA champion J.R. Smith.

Going up the mountains is a bit challenging the first time. But going down the hill is a legitimately slippery slope. Some areas are smooth, some grainy, and it almost seems like the downside of the mountain is flat. Once you get to the bottom of the hill, you always gain a sense of confidence. Conquering a hike like this should make anyone feel accomplished.

After your first experience with Runyon, you realize why Runyon Canyon is a fan-favorite among Los Angeles trails.