An off-season island


The students found the remains of a horseshoe crab on Ship Island. (Naphtalia Ruth | The Media School)

One of the most intriguing things we did this week was take a group trip to Ship Island, an important barrier island that shields the mainland from the effects of tropical storms. It was closed for the off-season, which meant we got an exclusive look at the island before the tourists arrived.

We took a 45-minute boat ride to the island. Once there, we immediately started filming our videos.

I enjoyed this part of the project, because as a student leader, it gave me a chance to aid in my team’s success. They set up our interview shots on the beach, and I supervised and made sure everything ran smoothly. I helped the team set up for interesting shots and complete our project.

I enjoyed walking from one side of the island to the other. It was truly a treat to be there before anyone else arrived.

We watched birds and grabbed beautiful shots to go into our videos. We saw little crabs scampering and an interesting shell from an crustacean I’d never seen before.

What I enjoyed most about the excursion to the island was having fun and experiencing new things while remaining productive and on track to finish our project.

Grace Thumser taking video of a field
Junior Grace Thumser takes video at Ship Island. (Naphtalia Ruth | The Media School)