4 strategies for successful virtual internships


As a first-time virtual intern, it took a lot of trial and error to figure out what works for me. I’ve always been the type of person who enjoys doing things face-to-face, whether this be talking to friends and family or engaging with coworkers. While I would have rather done my internship in person, I learned to make it work from home and made the best of the situation. Here I’m going to share some tips on how I’ve made it work for me.

Follow a schedule

Working from home can be difficult because oftentimes you won’t have a set schedule. With the Summer in London program specifically, there is a time difference, so you probably will not be meeting with your colleagues often. Something that helped me greatly was working on my internship at the same time every day. Set aside time specifically for your work with no interruptions or distractions.

Create a productive workspace

Most college students live with roommates or their families, so it is important that they are aware that you need a quiet space to work. While it can be difficult, you must set boundaries with the people you live with. Create an office space in your bedroom. If you don’t have a bedroom or if you share one, make a space in the living room or at the kitchen table. In this case, headphones will be your best friend.

Get out of the house

Go somewhere once or twice a week to do your work. Some good places to work are coffee shops, campus buildings, libraries or public outdoor spaces. You can even just go to your back porch or to a different space in your house. A change of scenery can make all the difference if you are feeling bored or lacking motivation.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

A virtual internship, especially with a time difference, will probably not have a lot of meetings. With that being said, if you feel like you haven’t been given enough direction, don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor or coworkers questions. If you aren’t sure of exactly what you should be doing, send an email and get clarification. Your supervisor will be happy to help you.